Ëàâêà. Vietnamese Dan Moi. Mini Dan moi (VDM6)
Îáðàçöû çâó÷àíèÿ:Loading Player
Origin Country: Vietnam
Length of dan moi: 75 mm
Reed length: 35 mm
Rigidity: soft
Material: brass
Set: jaw harp + bamboo cover (winding band)
Description: One more dan moi which is the most simple and available for beginners. The sound is higher and louder than standard model. Timbre is shrill and pure. It is very convenient to play on a small volumes of a mouth in which resound very high overtones, receiving thus absolutely space sounds. Because of the small sizes demands high sensitivity of fingers capable to make easy and exact beats. It is ideal for high-speed play, but it is also possible to play on the average and slow rates.
Recommendations: beginners, continuing, professionals
Availability: No
Price: 300,00 RUB