Ëàâêà. Indian Morsings. "Moustaches " Morsing by Mokhanlal (IMMU'S)
Îáðàçöû çâó÷àíèÿ:Loading Player
Origin Country: India, Rajasthan
Reed length: 70 mm (all length is 112 mm)
Rigidity: high
Material: case - brass, uvula - steel
Set: jaw harp (without cover)
Description: Perfactly forged jaw harp, with a shrill loud sound. Saturated and pure high overtones. Best of all it is suitable for play at fast speed. It is especially sensitive to an articulation in a small volume that allows to create maximum variety of high "electronic" sound effects. It is quite exacting to beat accuracy.
Recommendations: continuing, professionals, collectors
Availability: No
Price: 2000,00 RUB