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Russia, Moscow
metro station Sukharevskaya
Sretenka str. 27b1, office 26  


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Every day: 11.00 - 19.30

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Ëàâêà. Italian Maranzanos. Maranzano by Turi Petraliya (CPM4)

Îáðàçöû çâó÷àíèÿ:
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Origin Country: Italy 

Reed length: 78 mm 
Rigidity: rigid 
Material: steel 
Set: mouth harp + wooden case (open) 

Description: It's a traditional Italian mouth harp from the island of Sicily on which the mouth harp strongly associates with mafia.  Sounding is very pure, loud and bright. High-quality, long attenuation allows to play at the measured speed, and the rigid reed allows  to pass to very fast bilateral beat if you wish. Though Italians traditionally play beat to themselves, mouth harps of this master perfectly sound and on bilateral beat. The body of the harp vibrates very noticeably, we can say it is a real massager for the skeleton and first of all for the teeth and the skull. 

Recommendations: continuing, professionals, collectors

Artisan: Turi Petraliya
Availability: No

Price: 12000,00 RUB
