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Ëàâêà. Indian Morsings. "Peacock " Morsing by Mokhanlal (IMMP)

Îáðàçöû çâó÷àíèÿ:
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Origin Country: India, Rajasthan 

Reed length: 66 mm (all length is 108 mm) 
Rigidity: average and rigid
Material: case - brass, reed - steel 
Set: jaw harp (without cover) 

Description: This morsing is a modified version of another morsing of the work of this master. The main difference is that the morsing`s frame is additionally decorated with a bird figure, which makes the instrument's frame somewhat heavier, without affecting, however, the sound quality. It also has a hard reed. The reed is easy to wake up by breathing. It knows how to shoot very high overtones when playing in small volumes, easily forgives mistakes when not very accurate strikes the reed and clearly works with articulation and breathing. You can play fast, fractional rhythms, drawing them in short breaths and exhalations. Sustain is short but easily prolonged by breathing. It can produce babbling quiet sounds, with light blows on the reed. Symmetrical in bilateral beat. 

Recommendations: professionals, collectors

Artisan: Mokhanlal
Availability: No

Price: 2000,00 RUB
